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be bold or italian never regular

Fortune Follows The Bold

If you believe the experts, we’re are in the worst crisis in the history of crises. That sounds gloomy — and it is. Your thumbs push story after story through your feeds of the world doing its best to hop into the flaming dumpster behind a taco bell. You long to curl up in bed […]

there are eggs in a pile of bricks with the quote there are no old saying among scientific guys

It’s Time To Break Some Eggs

On a rainy Sunday afternoon last week, we turned on a YouTube fireplace and enjoyed the digital crackling fire here in Southern California (that’s how we do fires here). During a commercial break, I watched an ad for a dating app called Hinge.   Their tagline: The dating app designed to be deleted. Bold. Our purpose as human beings […]

What Do You Think of Our Ad Campaign?

It was 10:45 pm on a Thursday evening. A COO of a medical device company stopped by our offices seven hours ago for a drink and conversation. One drink had become many and rapidly consumed finger foods became an ordered-in meal. As the evening waxed long and the pace of conversation slowed he grew pensive […]

Marketing Has Become One Giant “Choose Your Own Adventure Exercise

I Am The Second of Seven Children Seven high-strung, over-achieving, raging harpies that still, even today in middle-age, demand a disproportionate share of any conversation or attention in any group setting. It was no surprise that my parents would haggardly drag themselves across the week’s finish line, desperate for a night out and would, for […]

That Damned Remote Control

I’m pretty sure it all began with the TV remote control—the first device that made it possible for us to do so much without lifting our now oversized asses out of the Lazyboy. The TV remote, the microwave oven, the Internet, and fast food. Oh, the fast food. McDonald’s has an average service time from […]

Lies, Damn Lies, & Attribution Analytics

“Half of the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half.” – John Wannamaker Over the past seven years, an avalanche of advertising dollars has been redirected from traditional media channels to digital or online media. One of the driving forces behind this trend is the hope of stronger, […]

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