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socially awkward penguin - connect with me on linkedin sales pitch by private message 5

What is The Value of a Connection on Linkedin?

I was speaking at a genetics conference a couple of years ago. After the last panel discussion broke for the day, I stood chatting with a few people about our agency’s marketing history within the genetics space. I politely shared a few generic details, not wanting to dominate the conversation. Still, I noticed that one […]

welcome change as long as nothing is altered or different

Take a Risk or Lose The Chance

Change is No Picnic Making a change is difficult. Tiptoeing into the shallow end of change and hoping for a positive outcome never works. To be successful, one often has to commit, run at the cliff, and jump out as far as possible.  “Let’s see how this goes.” When trying something new, I’ve found that […]

a man is holding a red cube in front of his computer

Hiring a Creative for Your Team: Four Rules for Great Outcomes

Innovation is valuable to all companies and critical for long-term success. At the root of innovation lies creativity. Hiring for a marketing department or a creative agency comes with unique challenges.  Creative types frequently are a different type of hire. They are often less concerned with profitability, less rooted in executing the business end of […]

a sign that says watch out a hole

The hole you fall into while trying to avoid it

I remember a cartoon from when I was a kid about two guys on a train. One of them is very clumsy and always gets into trouble, while the other one is smart, analytical, and bureaucratic. As the clumsy guy is sleeping the smart guy notices the emergency brake. Having experienced the other guy’s clumsiness […]

indiana jones and the last crusade

The Guy in The Cheap Seats

“Indiana Jones is irrelevant to the story.”

“What?!” I gasped with fearful indignation.

“Yeah, If you remove Indiana Jones from the story’s plot, the Nazis would have found the ark, taken it to the island, opened the lid, and all died. Just how the movie ended. He’s totally irrelevant.”

The Stories We Tell

My oldest daughter is about to graduate from UC Davis. She is a beautiful artist despite the economics degree she will receive in June.  As a very young girl, the artistic process dogged her a bit. A particular dragon she had repeatedly been drawing saw iteration after iteration rejected, balled up, and thrown across the […]

a yellow sign with the words tough decisions ahead

The Hard Part About Decisions

The fall of the Berlin Wall, which occurred in 1989, is one of the most important moments of the 20th century. It also happened by accident, because of a faulty decision. Guenter Schabowski, a spokesman for the East German Politburo, was hosting a press conference about the possibilities of East Germany allowing travel through the […]

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