Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


a woman sitting at a table with a laptop and a cup of coffee

Marketing Strategy: What It Is and How to Create One

What is a marketing strategy?  A marketing strategy is an overview of how a business or organization will articulate its value proposition to its customers. Generally, a marketing strategy outlines business goals, target market, buyer personas, competitors, and value for customers. It provides a long-term vision for overall marketing efforts, often looking many years ahead.  […]

a dart is in the center of a target

How to Perform a SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps businesses identify their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This method is particularly useful when trying to make decisions about the future course of action, whether for a company, department, team, or individual project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to performing a SWOT analysis: Preparation: Draw the […]

a person's finger is pointing at a block with arrows pointing up

How To Know If You Need A Fractional CMO

Is a Fractional CMO Right for Your Business? When your orgnaization is growing rapidly, sometimes your marketing needs don’t scale uniformly. You may need specialized marketing and strategy services to help you transition through different stages of growth. Most companies have had to choose between options that were less than ideal or that didn’t fit […]

a man is holding a red cube in front of his computer

Hiring a Creative for Your Team: Four Rules for Great Outcomes

Innovation is valuable to all companies and critical for long-term success. At the root of innovation lies creativity. Hiring for a marketing department or a creative agency comes with unique challenges.  Creative types frequently are a different type of hire. They are often less concerned with profitability, less rooted in executing the business end of […]

What Do You Think of Our Ad Campaign?

It was 10:45 pm on a Thursday evening. A COO of a medical device company stopped by our offices seven hours ago for a drink and conversation. One drink had become many and rapidly consumed finger foods became an ordered-in meal. As the evening waxed long and the pace of conversation slowed he grew pensive […]

Marketing Has Become One Giant “Choose Your Own Adventure Exercise

I Am The Second of Seven Children Seven high-strung, over-achieving, raging harpies that still, even today in middle-age, demand a disproportionate share of any conversation or attention in any group setting. It was no surprise that my parents would haggardly drag themselves across the week’s finish line, desperate for a night out and would, for […]

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