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Building a Community in the Attention Economy: Why It’s Hard but Worth It

In today’s world, where information constantly competes for our focus, building a community is more challenging than ever. We live in what’s known as the “attention economy,” where every business, influencer, and content creator is jostling for an audience’s attention. With so many people vying for that limited space, creating and nurturing a community around your brand is no small feat.

It’s not impossible—but it is hard work. It’s not complex, not mysterious, just hard. There’s no magic formula, no overnight success story (no matter what those late-night infomercials promise). Building something lasting requires effort, patience, and dedication. So, what does it take to foster a thriving community in this ever-crowded space? Let’s dive in.

The Reality of Building a Community: Hard but Doable

Building a community isn’t complicated—it’s straightforward in theory but difficult in practice. Think of it as swinging a hammer. You know what you have to do, but the act of swinging, day in and day out, is where the challenge lies. You’ve got to put in the reps consistently. It’s a long road filled with ups and downs, detours, and sometimes moments of doubt.

Ask the top 5,000 people who curate thriving communities on platforms like LinkedIn, and they’ll all tell you the same thing: There are no shortcuts. But they’ll also tell you that if you follow the principles below, you’ll be well on your way to success.

  1. Say Something New – Shine in a Sea of Sameness

People love novelty. In an age where everyone is bombarded with the same tired ideas and overused phrases, saying something fresh makes you stand out. Communities thrive when centered around something unique, exciting, or groundbreaking. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but you do need to offer a fresh perspective that makes people stop and listen.

Think of it this way: You’re walking through a busy street. Everyone’s handing out flyers that look the same—until someone offers you a bright, shiny brochure with a quirky message. You’re more likely to stop and take notice, right? That’s the power of saying something new.

  1. Develop a Voice – Let Your Personality Shine

Your voice is your biggest asset. It’s your personality, your style, your quirks. It makes your brand or content stand out in a crowded market. Don’t be afraid to let your wit, charm, and banter come through. The world doesn’t need another cookie-cutter influencer or brand.

People are drawn to authenticity. When you let your true self shine, you attract the audience that resonates with who you are, not just what you’re selling. Your voice creates a connection—it makes your audience feel like they know you, and that’s where trust begins. Without that trust, building a community is nearly impossible.

  1. Do Things Differently – Be the Zig to Their Zag

In a world entire of sameness, being different is your greatest weapon. If everyone else is zigging, you need to zag. Standing out is essential, especially in an attention economy where so many are trying to blend in. Finding your unique approach is key, whether you present your content, the format you use, or the messages you convey.

Think of it like a crowded marketplace. If every booth looks the same, no one booth will catch your eye. But the one with the unexpected colors, the unusual layout, or the vendor with a unique sales pitch? That’s the one that draws people in. Don’t be afraid to break the mold.

  1. Keep Evolving – What Worked Yesterday Won’t Work Tomorrow

The digital landscape is constantly changing, and so are the strategies that work. What gained you followers and attention last year might not move the needle today. Building a community is not a “set it and forget it” process. You need to stay ahead of trends, experiment with new ideas, and always be willing to pivot when necessary.

Evolution is not just about chasing the latest fad; it’s about understanding the needs of your audience as they change and grow. The tools you used yesterday might not work tomorrow. That’s okay. As long as you’re committed to learning and adapting, you’ll continue to build a community that stays engaged and connected.

  1. Focus on Quality – Share the Good Stuff

If you’re sharing advice or offering solutions, there’s no room for mediocrity. People can spot fluff from a mile away, and they’re not going to stick around if you’re offering watered-down content. You’ve got to share the valuable insights, actionable tips, and advice that makes people sit up and take notice.

Think about it like this: If you’re running a restaurant, and you only offer people bland, basic dishes, they’re going to stay the same customers. But if you serve up something delicious, they’ll not only come back but also tell their friends. The same goes for your content. If you want people to join your community and stay, you’ve got to give them a reason to stick around—and that reason is quality.

  1. Consistency is Key – The Hard Work That Pays Off

Here’s the hard truth: this works only if you show up, day in and day out. Building a community takes time, and there’s no getting around the fact that it’s hard work. But the good news? If you’re willing to put in that work—if you’re willing to be consistent—the rewards will come.

Your audience will start to trust you. They’ll begin to rely on you for the content or value you provide. And slowly, but surely, your community will grow. Consistency builds momentum, and that momentum is what eventually leads to success.

A Personal Story: The Lesson That Changed My Approach

When I started out in institutional money management 25 years ago, I was fresh out of school with shiny degrees and big ambitions. But I was so young that I only had to shave once every 10 days. I remember feeling terrified that no one with $50 million to invest would take me seriously.

Then, a manager pulled me aside and gave me advice I’ve carried with me ever since: “Work hard enough, and you’ll find mountains of people who are just like you, who think like you and want to work with you.”

That’s the truth about building a community. You don’t need to worry about whether it will work. If you follow the steps—if you say something new, develop your voice, do things differently, evolve, focus on quality, and most importantly, stay consistent—your community will come.

Conclusion: Keep Swinging, Success Will Follow

Building a community in the attention economy can be challenging. It’s simple and attainable, but it does require persistence and dedication. The road may be long and winding, but if you’re willing to keep swinging, every measurable metric of success will eventually point upwards. Your audience will grow, your engagement will deepen, and your influence will expand.

So, roll up your sleeves, embrace the process, and start building. The community you envision is well within reach—you have to put in the work.

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